Archive For The “Anthem Protests” Category

Monday evening, less than 24 hours before they were scheduled to visit the White House, Trump “disinvited” the Super Bowl Champion Eagles from coming.
The “reasoning” for disinviting the Eagles – if you can call it that – was included in a statement released by the White House.
“They disagree with their President because he insists that they proudly (sic) stand for the National Anthem, hand on heart (sic), in honor of the great men and women of out military and the people of our country,” it reads, conveniently ignoring the fact that no Philadelphia Eagles kneeled during the National Anthem during the course of the entire season.
I don’t think Trump fully comprehends what he has done.
Certainly Trump probably thinks he is speaking to his “base” – the people Trump thinks voted for him in 2016, and people who think will continue to vote for him and his preferred candidates in the future.
But Trump’s bottomless bad faith in “disinviting” the Eagles wasn’t just a propaganda coup for every Philadelphia-area Democrat running for office. It was an act of bad faith that was colossally stupid for a completely different reason – its unnecessary alienation of a huge number of Pennsylvania voters that might, under different circumstances, approve of what he’s doing.
Lehigh 49, Penn 28 Postgame Thoughts: Both Sides Of Anthem Protests Need To Abandon Empty Gestures And Do Something Real
By LFN |
(Photo Credit: Thomas Munson/The Daily Pennsylvanian)
The firestorm made its way to Franklin Field.
Few football fans may noticed it as the game was about to start, including myself. I wasn’t focused on the cheerleading team during the national anthem, nor was anyone else that I confer with – I was a bit more preoccupied whether Lehigh was going to open the season 0-3.
But sometime on Monday, The Daily Pennsylvanian published a short piece detailing the planned protest event, done by Alexus Bazen and Deena Char.
It is the same act that 49ers backup QB Colin Kaepernick and many, many other NFL players have performed during the national anthem during the preseason and first weeks of the season – kneeling or sitting during the National Anthem, and raising a fist. It’s an act meant to inflame and to get them noticed, and it did.
Why, though?
The “why” can and should be asked on both sides of the protest, those that find solidarity with it and those that are angered by it.
Let’s talk about it.
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