Archive For The “Challenges” Category

You don’t have to be a militaryphile to love football. But to love football, it helps to have an appreciation for the military.
I remember once, long ago, on this blog I made an incorrect reference and quote in regards to the Vietnam war. Then-head coach Pete Lembo, a pretty good military historian as well as a pretty good college football head coach, wrote me to clarify almost immediately. He was right; I was wrong.
One of the most iconic military personalities was General George S. Patton, the controversial yet beloved World War II soldier that was an amazing figure. He also provided this quote, applicable to both the military and football:
“Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.”
I pulled out this quote from General Patton because it seems particularly apropos in regards to this Lehigh football team this week.
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