Archive For The “Dennis DeYoung” Category

As much as I sometimes regret to admit, I remember the group Styx, and I also remember the album Paradise Theater.
One of the songs on that album, “Borrowed Time” (today’s “Sunday Word”), reminded me a lot of how Lehigh is winning football games right now.
The song, buried deep in my memory banks, perhaps not gracing my ears for more than two decades, struck me after the Mountain Hawks won their second improbable, impossible, game in a row.
“Don’t look now, but here come the ’80s!” lead singer Dennis DeYoung croons.
“Don’t look now, but here comes the 2013 season!”, the entire Lehigh football team seems to be telling me in the same way, flirting with danger, converting improbable plays into huge momentum swings, twenty-point deficits into touchdowns, losses into wins.
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