Archive For The “Nana Amankwah-Ayeh” Category

Like I did last year, I compiled a list of a "greatest hits" of some of the published articles on all of the Lehigh football seniors. They are below the flip.All of the players below are listed as seniors or 5th year players on the current Le…
As a guy who is pretty passionate about his Lehigh football history, it was great to see a national champion on the set of Lehigh Sports Central this week.
QB Mike Rieker, quarterback of the 1977 Division II National Champions, showed up to talk to Steve Degler about his role on that team and share some stories (and some video highlights) about that magical season.
One thing he didn’t do is talk about funny locker room stories about head coach John Whitehead.
“It was strictly business with coach Whitehead,” he said. “There was no footing around in the locker room until you left. He was all business, and it reflected on us, a lot of guys took to heart they didn’t want to make mistakes, because you’d have to face him. He was a tough taskmaster and a great teacher, and he ended up being a really good friend.