Archive For The “Philadelphia Eagles” Category

Story Of Philadephia Eagles’ 1968 Mud Bowl Parallels 2016 Election

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Story Of Philadephia Eagles’ 1968 Mud Bowl Parallels 2016 Election
How do you write about sports when it doesn’t feel like a game anymore?

This is the crux of the question I’ve been struggling with over the last few weeks.

Like many of you, I was shocked at the election of Donald Trump to become our next President.  Also like many of you, I paid as he did things differently when it came to talking about the political foes he defeated, how he went about assembling a cabinet, and how he engaged the press.

Everything about this point in time in history feels historic.  No set of Americans have ever elected someone like Donald Trump as President.  Nobody, not Trump of the mobs of Twitter people that seem to follow him, have used Twitter to attack people so directly almost like a weapon, especially focused at journalists that are trying to get at the truth.

Frankly, nobody knows what’s coming next.

So how do you write about sports at a time like this?  How do you compartmentalize what you’re feeling about the election, and crack open the vault which waxes philosophic about Lehigh’s latest and greatest postseason award for football, or latest achievement in basketball or wrestling?

The answer appears to be to look to history – and to look to sports – to find narratives.  And I found one.

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Eagles Training Camp Bites the Dust at Lehigh

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Eagles Training Camp Bites the Dust at Lehigh

I’ve often said privately that I thought that the departure of Andy Reid would probably be the end of Eagles Training Camp at Lehigh.

With the hiring of new head coach Chip Kelly, this sad day for the Lehigh Valley and Lehigh University has finally come.

In a noon press release, the Philadelphia Eagles organization announced their intentions of holding preseason training at the NovaCare complex and having some free practices at Lincoln Financial Field.

I can understand why the Eagles did it, but it’s a decision that makes me no less sad.
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