Reply To: Facilities Improvements

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball Facilities Improvements Reply To: Facilities Improvements



I respectfully disagree. High schools hold their games on Friday nights so as not to compete with college games. Lafayette recently made huge renovations and added light and their average attendance other than vs Lehigh is about 4,700/game. Princeton built a behemoth stadium with lights in 1998 and averages about the same as Lehigh. Saturday night games will compete against a plethora of other activities both on and off campus and won’t add to the attendance.
Personally, I enjoy watching games at Goodman in the fall when you can actually the changing leaves on the trees. It’s warmer during the day, which gets more important every year :-), and I can tailgate prior to and after the game. It’s a wonderful game day atmosphere.
Does this mean I don’t favor renovations? No. I would love to see a new video scoreboard but it won’t attract more fans after the novelty wears off. It would simply be more entertaining for the fans who do show up.
By the way, my first priority though would be the audio system. Just my opinion.