Reply To: Facilities Improvements

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball Facilities Improvements Reply To: Facilities Improvements


Improvements will have zero impact on attendance. Cultural changes and televised games are the main reason attendance sucks. Stabler is a very nice venue our size of basketball program. Yes, a video board would be nice at both Stabler and Goodman. However, lights for Goodman is out of the question due to $$$. Not the stadium, but the entire area. All of the tailgating areas on dark Saturday night scream of liability issues. Lafayette has no open areas like we do. Most people walk or park on the streets of the City. As noted by someone else, Princeton as the best FCS stadium in the country with lights and gets 7,000/game. It’s a different mind set at PL and IL schools today than when we ‘matricuated’…