Reply To: Early FYI Prospects 2015

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I’m not saying there aren’t other possible scenarios. I am saying to lose even 1 recruit because of an incaccurate message board is 1 too many.

Also, High School athletes absolutely have access to their own Rivals account and can update the schools they are interested in, have offers from, etc.

Just another example of bogus information being posted on this board.

Take notice readers RichH and his Cronies are frauds!

This is my last post on this since this is the definition of internet trolling. There is no “bogus information.” All info here is displayed as an aggregation of internet chatter. Nothing here is verified as factual, but is simply compiling various pieces of information (fact or fiction) in one place.

As for your statement that prospects “absolutely have access to their own rivals account” it is 100% false and you provided no further information. To that end, and since I object to correct information being called “bogus” here is further reading on the subject Cobbler. Both are articles on how a recruit can help themselves be listed on Rivals:

How to get a recruit page on

Why would a player need to worry about getting noticed if he could create his own page? Relevant passages below:

Reach out to a Rivals Regional Experts (success rate: Medium to High): Rivals has several regional experts that are available to add you to the database. I personally know most of them and respect the work they do. Email all the relevant information to the expert(s) in your region from the list here. If you are truly being recruited, they should get back to you within a week.

from a seperate article…

Let me mention that before you try this, I would recommend having some solid stats and Division I interest to back up your claim of how good of a player you are. Chances are that if you should be listed in that database, then you definitely should have at least a minor amount of interest from schools at the Division I level.

The first place I would recommend is find a contact page for the staff of their national recruiting site. That is usually the first and best way to find someone who has access to adding and updating players in the database. When doing this, you will need to be patient because these analysts do get a lot of similar requests from other athletes. And if you wait a week and don’t hear back/are not listed in the database, then it is time to re-email them.

Cobbler, not only are you factually incorrect in your statement about high school athletes having the ability to update their own pages, it also makes no sense. Why wouldn’t every kid list offers from Florida State if that were the case? In fact, why wouldn’t every kid (Div 1 prospect or not) have his own page if he were interested in the next level? I have no idea what your end game is in trying to discourage the tracking of recruits, but at least don’t make accusations and false statements without any citations whatsoever.