Reply To: Early FYI Prospects 2015

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Rivals lists 4 commits for Lehigh’s class of 2014…4 of 22!!! .181 is not a good average even for baseball.;_ylt=ApBiynX60GI2X0QAEIDIBLNDPZB4

What about this guy? He’s listed on the LU roster but don’t see anything on Rivals abut Lehigh?

Then there is this guy who is listed on Rivals with interest from LU and a whole host of other schools. Where is he going?

The regional expert from this area should be fired I guess.

I will go back to my original post, Rivals and other recruiting websites are not accurate for the FCS level. Any potential recruits, their families, friends and coaches should know the majority of information posted on here comes from websites proven to provide incorrect information. The rest is nothing more than opinions. That is all.