Reply To: 2014-2015 Roster

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball 2014-2015 Roster Reply To: 2014-2015 Roster



I definitely don’t count myself among the most plugged in, but I am a junkie for sure. I honestly feel nearly as uncertain about this year as I did last year – which seems strange. We really only lost one starter, but it feels like there are a TON of unknowns once again. To me the only “sure thing” is TK. CS will certainly be a starter and major contributor – but I don’t know which position now!
I was very confident that he’d be starting at the 1, but Doc seems to have a surprising level of optimism about KR at the one.
I think we can also be confident the JC will start and play major minutes. I’m the oddball that hopes he plays 3 rather than 4, but that’s probably unlikely. And we have a MAJOR traffic jam for minutes at 2 & 3. Like you, I’m excited about the possibilities with the new faces – frosh and transfers alike.