Reply To: Patriot League Transfers

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball Patriot League Transfers Reply To: Patriot League Transfers



Not sure why Reed would put JRG on Schollie. JRG had no impact last year and I don’t see that changing. Unless JRG is going to leave unless scholarship is offered it makes no sense. Reed can use it to bring in another player this year or next.

TMH, I agree with what you are saying about the academics but I think the athlete that is more concerned with academics than playing time at any D1 program is few and far between. Most of these kids get to the D1 level because they are gifted athletically, and love to play. When they don’t get minutes they look to where they can, just look at the number of transfers in men’s bball every year. I also think in today’s world the gap in the level of education between schools is getting much smaller. With a 4yr degree carrying about as much weight as a HS diploma did 15 years ago, is it really as important where you go to school now as it was 15 years ago? I would say no unless you are trying to break into the countries top 5% income bracket. How many of these kids think in those terms?