Reply To: 2015 Recruiting Targets

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball 2015 Recruiting Targets Reply To: 2015 Recruiting Targets



Being the true contrarian I am, I’m not nearly as down on those who de-commit. This is just my opinion but this is not like a recidivism rate for felons. Recruits are increasingly getting younger and younger. They are being asked to make one of the biggest decisions in the lives under a great deal of pressure. Coaches are watching and communicating with kids when they are 15-16-17 years old at camps. They sell them the moon and tell them that they need to make a decision quickly because there are 40 offers out there for 3 spots. At first, they relish the attention but eventually it becomes all too much for them. I actually feel for these kids. They are entitled to a mistake.