Reply To: James Madison

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football James Madison Reply To: James Madison

Go Lehigh TU Owl
Go Lehigh TU Owl

According to a JMU fan it doesn’t appear the game is going to sellout. Still, if you’re definitive about going I would just order tickets online. They allow you to pick your own seat. You can also do the print from home deal via the JMU website. I got greedy and wanted the actual stub to add to my collection. Hopefully it’s not lost in the mail.

I’m just hopeful for a competitive game and a quality experience. I’ve been fortunate to visit some top places; NDSU, Montana, Montana State and Delaware. I can’t wait to see what JMU has to offer. The campus looks great! Perhaps JMU alum Lindsey Czarniak will be there….