Reply To: Mayes

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Mayes Reply To: Mayes


Doc Qb

TMH, agree. Mayes is not even close to 6’2″. We have some generous dimensions in the program, likely carried over from the HS game programs, where we all used inflated numbers. They list LB Evan Harvey at 6’1″…he’s 5′ 10″. Ar QB we’ve had real 6-3 guys (Harris, Stambaugh), 6-1 guys (Kempa, Sempti, Borda, Lum), six footers (Brant Hall, Bialkowski). They were quarterbacks, thats all that mattered.

Size on D is nice, but just smack people in the chops and be nasty. For Mayes, size or not, he’s got the arm, and has shown he sees the field well…he has ‘it.’