Reply To: Future FBS Opponents

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Future FBS Opponents Reply To: Future FBS Opponents


objective observer

Here are a couple of observations:

Defensive line will definitely be faster on the ends – and bigger- the middle should hold its own- the linebacker play is critical this year-

The D-backs were sub par the last couple of years- I saw at least 20 plays were receivers got behind the d- backs this is NOT acceptable- also need a pass rush! this will help d backs

I made my predictions- to go back during the season- to gauge how well they are doing

The first big test will be Villanova-


with Colgate at home- Lehigh will win the Patriot League this year!- they have the offense- and can play with ANY team in the League- Fordam is definitely going to miss their offensive coordinator-

write this down 2016 patriot league champs- and qualifier for football playoffs