Reply To: game #1 – Monmouth

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football game #1 – Monmouth Reply To: game #1 – Monmouth



LOL Rich, i have seen NUMEROUS practices.Doubt everyone else sucked. Wilson did show flashes, we shall see if a man goes down if they put him in there. Only 4 true freshman on depth chart, dont really count the kicker :). But do we know if Geis, Butler and Redmon really sucked at safety. I know from practices and scrimmages the latter two dont. is geis being punished for his actions last yr?? hes not returning kicks this yr either. If hes on the team then put him back there, he definitely has a leg up on the fresh from learning the system last yr. I just didnt see anything he did in practice that would suggest he start over the other three, only time will tell, and we dont have that much time to experiment! Putting a fresh RB out there and putting a safety back there is two different games!

  • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by  LehighGuy.