Reply To: Monmouth Game

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Monmouth Game Reply To: Monmouth Game


Fill in the blank – The defense was better than _______.
If you say 2015, we have clearly set a very low bar. 2015 can’t be the standard by which the defense is judged.

They gave up 413 yards, 215 rushing and 198 passing.
Hardly good!

The fact that the D didn’t give up big pass plays had more to do with the Monmouth game plan than our secondary. They were content with the death by a thousand cuts, time of possession approach.

While the defense wasn’t the tissue paper of last year, they still couldn’t get off the field including the last 4 minutes. I think they had one three and out the entire game.

Perhaps our expectations have been set so low that today’s performance is viewed as a step in the right direction.

I do agree with everyone’s disappointment with the offense. Unlike the defense, expectations were rightfully very high for them.