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Read it and weep …

Today’s key numbers: 396 and 452.

They’re consistent with what we’ve seen in recent years: That’s how many rushing yards and total yards D gave up today.

Last week we were ranked 62nd of 109 FCS teams in defense. This week we gave up more yards, so we’re likely to drop.

Embarrassing. How many more games/seasons will this be allowed to continue?

Our final rankings past three seasons:

2013: 93, 436.9
2014: 112, 474.9
2015: 106, 451.3

And we expect to be a winning team? Yeah, maybe vs. Fordham and Colgate, two PL teams worse than us — but whose offenses are pretty darn good.

Shaf’s a hard-nosed football player, the kind of teammate you want on your team. LU has seen better QBs, and some worse.

Mayes has a cannon and proved last year what he was capable of. He has a high ceiling.

They have different strengths.

Good coaches take advantage of all their weapons.

When will LU coaches take advantage of all weapons and not only win a game, but put a team on the field each week that executes WINNING football consistently?