Reply To: Why so quiet.

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Why so quiet. Reply To: Why so quiet.


Ok gents. We get one win on the season so far and you’re all “Lehigh is on a roll, etc.”

Personally, I wasn’t able to watch the game, but I did listen to the first half. Difficult to say how good or bad that was.

We crushed Penn last year, so is it possible that Lehigh just has their number?

After giving us a gazillion yards and points over the last 2+ years, might I implore you all that one great half does not a trend make?

Nothing about the Penn game suggests to me that we have discovered a deep ball game (AC said as much in the post-game interview) and I’d like to see a few more games where the D scheme appears solid before claiming that we’ve turned the corner; it seems shockingly sudden that the D turned on a dime and we’re now NoDakState good.

Frankly, I would have preferred to remain silent and let the fans and team enjoy the win, but since you’re all so smug about the silence, I figured I’d give you something more to agitate about.

It was a really nice win and we should enjoy the week for that, but it’s premature to announce our resurgence after half a game.