Reply To: OOC. 3-2

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football OOC. 3-2 Reply To: OOC. 3-2


just a fan

I was 1 of those guys saying #17 should play more and I fully stand by it. Let’s be real about it. Unless your Alabama you can’t stop both pass and run PERIOD. Where did we get burned all season last year in the pass game?? From the slot fellas. I watched every game #17 hasn’t gave up a big play down field yet. He sticks to every good slot player likes glue. I agree not a tackler but dam he covers. And let’s be real both safeties hasn’t made a tackle all year. He’s playing the slot really good for us. And for that every player misses tackles every single game. I’m just happy we winning. Be positive we on our way.