Reply To: OOC. 3-2

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football OOC. 3-2 Reply To: OOC. 3-2


[quote quote=28540]Some additional football 101 for you:

Lehigh has faced 131 pass attempts. 8 of the teams who rank ahead of us from a Pass defense standpoint have faced fewer pass attempts. 31 of the top 50 have faced less. You point that teams don’t pass against us is not valid. Our offense is excellent! When we get the lead teams are forced to pass particularly in the second half. Our pass defense has allowed us to protect those leads and had played very well in the second half is the last 3 games. Football is a TEAM sport and you can’t win without all 3 facets of the team contributing.

I certainly agree with everyone that our defense is our hard to watch at times…I have said it before, Our run defense HAS to improve. It is certainly our weak spot.
