Reply To: LU 1,000 yard rushers

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football LU 1,000 yard rushers Reply To: LU 1,000 yard rushers


lfnadmin, you’ve got fast fingers and beat me to it. Note on Dick Gabriel…..1,023 in only nine games. To my knowledge all the others were 11 game seasons.

Side note for me as a student those years, Dom runs a lot like Rizzo and his side kick Don Diorio during their careers. The two shared the back field for three years. Which leads to another interesting list:
1. Rabih Abdullah 3,696
2. Rod Gardner 3,188
3. Jermaine Pugh 2,674
4. Ronald Jean 2,422*
5. Dick Gabriel 2,506
6. Lee Blum 2,398
7. Erick Torain 2,397
8. Jack Rizzo 2,216
9. Don Diorio 2,206
10. Eric Rath 2,005

Gabriel at #5 all time with 9 game schedules AND no freshman eligibility. Rizzo and Diorio also only 3 year careers.
* ????? This is the order listed in the official on line list. lfnadmin….Help here on why its out of order? Is Gabriel fourth?