Reply To: Starting to Look Forward

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Starting to Look Forward Reply To: Starting to Look Forward



Lehigh Guy- What has Dom Bragalone done to you to warrant such disdain? In HS, he rushes for more yards in a season than ANYONE in the last 64 years and you say the “competition was laughable”. When he wins the starting RB position, it was “by default” according to you. You called him, “the 3rd best freshman RB on the team”, when actually, he was the BEST FRESHMAN IN THE PATRIOT LEAGUE. Now as he climbs to the top of the Lehigh record books, you want to put an asterisk next to his name. Please stop.

Dom’s play speaks for itself. He has earned and will continue to earn all the accolades he has been awarded. Admit that you were wrong and stop trying to diminish his accomplishments.

  • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by  Gumby.