Reply To: At UNH – That SUCKS!!!!!

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football At UNH – That SUCKS!!!!! Reply To: At UNH – That SUCKS!!!!!


[quote quote=29521]Is anyone planning on going? I really, really want to but Durham is a damn hike. Especially on the Friday after Thanksgiving. I’m somewhere in the range of 65/35 on biting the bullet and doing it. James Madison is a much easier and pleasant trip should Lehigh win. But, I went to last year’s debacle and they’re loaded again. I’m definitely not going to both games. I’ve never been to UNH….


Yes, I am toying with the idea of driving up early Saturday a.m. Can’t leave on Friday with the Booster Bus. Forecast not looking good right now for Saturday, also. 90% chance of rain. Could change depending on speed systems move through. Tickets should not be a problem on Thanksgiving weekend. If interested in driving up from Lehigh Valley let me know. PM me on