Reply To: DAndre Blue-Eli

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football DAndre Blue-Eli Reply To: DAndre Blue-Eli



Am I missing anyone?

1.)Jorge Portorreal…Ath…I see at WR
2,)Tahjon McKiney Cole…WR
3.)Divine Buckrham…DB
4.)Stu Cundiff…..DB
5.)Jaylen Floyd…DB
6.)Bryan Neal…DB
7.)Evan Chadbourn…ATH…Possibly DB since RB is crowded.
8.)Chris Fournier….OL
9.)D’Andre Blue Eli…Ath…better at DB

Looks to me like at least half of our current recruits are slotted for DB. I still see a big need at QB, LB and DL.