Reply To: POLL: Season Opener Night Game at Goodman?

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football POLL: Season Opener Night Game at Goodman? Reply To: POLL: Season Opener Night Game at Goodman?



Hawktalker says (if I understood correctly) that lights have not helped Lafayette attendance. Maybe someone has better figures, but I disagree. They have led the league in attendance 5 of the last 7 years. Despite poor to terrible teams. They must have even beaten us in attendance one year when we hosted THE GAME.

Lighting the walkways to the stadium. Primary walkway would just be to the East of the Field Hockey Stadium. Use those stanchions for most of that lighting. The walkway from the North Parking lot would be mostly lit from the west side of the stadium. Lighting the North Side parking should be no more expensive than lighting the Field Hockey Field, Maybe only a little more than a Little League Field.

I mentioned before, had a couple of friends attend a 2012 game for first time in Goodman. When they noticed no lights. One called his son who is in that business and got a quick estimate of $35,000 for one day, including parking.

As I posted on the BB page, let the students use the North Parking lot. Let them stay all night to party if they want. Breathalyze each car before it leaves. If they don’t have a sober driver, they stay the night. (They will learn to always have a sleeping bag like I still do)

Sunset for Sat after Thanksgiving 2017, 4:37 PM –end of civil twilight 5:07 (end of possible playing time).
Sunset for the next Sat 2 minutes later.