Reply To: American: PL Game 4

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball American: PL Game 4 Reply To: American: PL Game 4


A must win game we had to have. I’m concerned with this teams defense. They are in trouble. It’s also safe to say. Other then tim We have nothing down low. A few random thoughts.

1. Thought it was odd pat didn’t see floor till ten min mark in 2nd half.

2. Is wolf able to play? He’s now dressed but don’t see the floor when bugs is where we lack.

3. Lieb????? Almost ready ? He’s still in a suit and not warming up with team. I bet we hear bad news in near future on him.

4. Ross needs to wake up. Turnovers. Bad passes. Can’t hold on to ball. He also needs to recognize the several times American had 6-6 Charlie jones on Timmy. I was screaming to feed it to Tim. This happened often. Whole section was shocked Reed wasn’t going at Charlie there. And this was very often in second half.

Sorry for rant. Just a few thoughts I had. I’ll be bucknell on wed. Another must win game. We must now steal a game or two somewhere since we let the Loyola game go down the crapper