Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football FULMAR GONE Reply To: FULMAR GONE



i did shout..CRAZY!!! LOL. The gear is sparce. Almost embarrasing how lil a d1 school gives out…What improvements has this administration made. Game locker rooms are from the 50s. Stadium needs lights. How bout a nice scoreboard with replays? Shall I go on??? We all have gone down this road a million times. Nothing gets done but it does feel good to vent. I do think ad needs to step up. I do think Lehigh is a decent product but I also think the ad prides himself on running on a shoe-string. Did we get a home playoff game?? nope, did it hurt us, yes!!! Lafayette has a great facility. Hope somebody knows of something in the works for Lehigh football as far as an improvement. I would love to eat my words. MEDIOCRITY is uncurable just like laziness is. If you accept being average you will always be that way. I clearly understand the financial end of college football and the strain it places on athletic programs. We have a 1.2 billion dollar endowment. Im not saying treat the football team any better than the girls softball team but hell, lets divy out some dollars and upgrade something in the football program. Lets not accept just being good. Sometimes administrations like to fly under the radar so they stay out of the limelight. OUT OF SIGHT OUT OF MINE. Not sure where Lehigh stands. Rings are great paid by boosters regardless of NCAA rules. How bout some apparel so these kids can be a walking recruiting machine when they go home. Just a thought. And I did shout a lil…How bout a big name game to kick off season. Penn State? Nice pay day!!!