Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football FULMAR GONE Reply To: FULMAR GONE



The listed capacity for Leadership Park (softball) is 280 and Legacy Park (baseball) is 370. I have attended a fair amount of games at both locations and have never had trouble finding a seat, including the playoffs. Both are really nice venues. For baseball, most people forego the bleachers and use folding chairs along the upper ridge so they can continue to tailgate as they watch the games.
I’m not sure of the need for lights at either location though. They typically go south to open the season due to weather. The first 22 games are in the warm climate. Patriot League play begins March 25 and are all weekend triple headers. The teams want to get home on Sunday and don’t want to play a day game after an evening double header.
If you consider the fact that there is no admission to be gained in either baseball or softball, the cost of lights are substantially more than the benefits.