Reply To: Holy Cross – Game #14

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It’s obvious Reed can recruit. His talent is usually best in conference. Just recently with CM, GK, HG, TK, AP, KR, KL, he has had a steady stream of All PL 1st or 2nd team players, plus 4 PL players of the year (will be 5) and a few PL Frosh of the years. Talent isn’t the problem. It is coaching and offensive and defensive philosophy and execution.

Attacking zone is pretty basic. 3rd and 4th grade coaches know how to do it. Any decent middle school coach and up should know how to play it and attack it. No matter what defense we see, we play a 4 out, 1 in set. TK in the low box and 4 guards out. That is not the offensive set to attack a standard zone. If we see 1-3-1, which we did at time today, we attack it 2 up top, 1 in high post and 2 on baseline. If we see 2-3 or 2-1-2, you need to go 1 up top (KR), 3 on the next level, 2 wings and a high post, for us AP and KL on wings with TK in the high post, and 1 runner on the baseline tracking to ball side.

Against zone, you move ball with no dribble and attack and probe with dribble penetration in a soft spots. Versus 1-3-1, you attack with your 2 on the baseline. Versus 2-3 or 2-1-2, you attack in the soft spots on the wing. Your high post needs to get touches and get Ball to baseline runner and wings. That is basketball coaching 101.

We run 4 out for the most part, never have a high post and rarely have a baseline runner. Did at times today with AP and KL, but very little. All we do is go 4 out behind the arc, with TK in low box area. If we get inside, he’s tripled. And, we are slow decision makers on the perimeter. Too much useless dribble that lets zone adjust. It is horrible philosophy and execution. Guy like Carmody must just laugh watching a Reed coached team.