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Admire your optimism, Rich. IMO, absolute best case scenario is that next year’s team is this year’s team, minus TK production. Not pretty.
I see the ceiling of next year’s team much differently. Best case is KR continues/improves his all league form, while Leufroy becomes an all league scorer. The combination of Tejada, Bennett, and Wilson more than makes up for Price’s production. Alston continues his development. The offensive flow and spacing is better without trying to funnel the ball to Tim every possession. Not saying this will happen, but I don’t see next year as all doom and gloom.
The big question is the frontcourt. I like both Andree and Holba and hope they step out of Tim’s shadow next season. and CL and CS remain huge question marks.
This was Tim’s team for four years, so I really don’t know what it’s going to look like next year without him – but I don’t think it is just going to be the same team/scheme/style minus TK and AP. At least I really hope not.