Reply To: Brandon Alston

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball Brandon Alston Reply To: Brandon Alston


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I think with the shortage, we should also be looking in the transfer market, especially the guys who are available without sitting.

Does the PL allow immediately eligible grad transfers? I would think not.


The PL bylaws are a bit unclear on this, but I don’t think it is allowed. Definitely not allowed for a player who spent four years getting an undergraduate degree at another school but who has a year of eligibility left. Unclear whether it is allowed for a player who managed to graduate in three years and wants to play their fourth year at another school while getting a masters degree.

There is a provision for a waiver for a player to play a 5th year while studying for a masters at the same PL school where they got their undergraduate degree. A number of players have done that.