Reply To: Less Than 2 Months Away…

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball Less Than 2 Months Away… Reply To: Less Than 2 Months Away…


Hello guys. How is everyone. I’m doing good. Been busy. Working and also enjoying the life of being a father to a baby girl. Anyway I have checked in here every so often and the chat has been dead. Besides a few of us updating recruits and such. I am a nerd when it comes to this team. But I am very excited for the season to begin. Agreed a lot of question marks. I see the starting five being. Ross. Lance. Kyle. Pat. And James. Maybe Lieb over pat but I doubt it. My concern for this year is mainly experience when it comes to a good part of these kids. And also Ross. Ross needs to be the leader. I often see him not happy when things aren’t going his way. Can’t have that. I truly believe that we will see Kyle take a huge next step. He will be the leader and be the best player we have. I go for a walk twice a week up at Lehigh. Live down the road. I always walk by stabler and can’t wait for the season to begin but also weird that every time I pass that arena. I have thoughts of that holy cross game. Haha. Still haunts me. I am hoping we can be around a 4-5 seed this year. We need to stay healthy. And need a guy or two outside of Kyle and Ron to step up and really give good mins. Lieb really needs to show something. Pat I hope has worked on his all around game. Seems to be a one trick pony at times. There’s tons of questions and weather it’s the cj days. The Tim days. Whoever. I am a fan and I support these kids and this team. Maybe I care to much at times lol. But I can’t wait for this year. Let’s get this chat up and going again