Reply To: Wagner

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Wagner Reply To: Wagner


[quote quote=32302]
Exhibition season is over.

I would like to take a poll of those who would like to see Lehigh somehow win the next 6 game, win the league championship at 6-5, go to the playoffs, and give up 70 or so points to a CAA team. I am well aware that 6 wins in a row isn’t likely going to happen. I am pretty sure at this point that I don’t want it to happen. This would only make it much more difficult to address the coaching problem. I will take a win over Lafayette this year as my only requirement. At this point, any additional successes will only mask this mess. Imagine how Andy could sell 6 straight wins as masterful coaching, evidence of a complete turnaround from these first 5 games, and a reason to keep this group together going into next year.

So, my question: Is a league championship worth another year of this?