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Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Nice win Reply To: Nice win


Put Goodman back on campus and attendance would increase. Walking to games was a huge attraction/incentive … It’s not possible — unless you think big and bold — but …

Athletic facilities on main campus for regular students pale in comparison to many D-III schools I’ve been to.

1) I like the idea about a common tailgating area. You are right. The band does a great job pre-game now in certain areas. but not all.

2) Lights: The Mocos are ridiculous. Why not play at night, especially early in season? Use them for Bethlehem Steel Club soccer games …

3) Maybe this is done; maybe it’s not: Target-market groups to come. I’d imagine there are a lot of international students and maybe other students who have never been exposed to football. Hold fun sessions explaining the game. Have ambassadors take them to pre-game picnics and sit with them at games.

4) I have not been at a home game this year, but … why not do some more minor league baseball-type crazy contests and promotions during times-out, quarter breaks and the like?

Let’s see some young ladies push a sled, compete in field goal contests, etc., sponsored by a local business. Maybe we have have some students race through a tackling dummy course (and maybe we’ll find a new linebacker or DB)?

5) Invite more than just former athletes back for celebrations. How about reunions/anniversaries for this club or that club? This major or that major?