Reply To: Monmouth – Game 2

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball Monmouth – Game 2 Reply To: Monmouth – Game 2



What was very apparent watching the game was that Monmouth got any shot they wanted on the floor. Many in the painted area, and shot a high percentage (over 50%). Lehigh, on the other hand, took all contested jumpers, and shot a low percentage (under 40%). It’s a recipe for disaster. And, they really struggled to stay in front of their men, when they were driving to the basket. Defense definitely lacking, which is probably why Monmouth got such easy looks. Game wasn’t as close as final score indicated.

I don’t see too many options off the dribble for Lehigh at the moment. You have Ross, who is awfully small to finish, and Leufroy, and that’s about it. Maybe one of the freshman wings shows that later in the season.

This team is going to struggle, I’m afraid.

I notice that Sedore has been a DNP in both games, although dressed. Is he healthy enough to play, or is that just a coach’s decision? Karnik needs some help. He’s undersized and young.

Dismal attendance.