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I was reading about the final, 1987, Cold Taylor Stadium game on AGS, where I have never bothered to get posting privilege(I am on too many forums already)

Anyway folks were talking about the Crowd, how everyone left and there were only a few hundred people left at game end. Not quite the way i remember it. Yeah people were leaving, early and often. My guess, well over 100 an hour. As the third quarter ended I looked around, and guessed 2000 left at the most. But then people started to return. My guess, at the end, no more than 1000 seats open on the Lehigh Side. Even a lot of folks returned to the Laf side, until we got back the lead. How do others remember it? Yeah, no re-admission was the official policy, but I am sure someone said “let’s ignore it”.


Cold was not a big bother to me then. I was Backpacking the weekend(about 5 years earlier) Kreider led the Bengals into the super bowl over San Diego, 59 below Windchill in Cincy 52 below near Harrisburg. – “There is no such thing as inclement weather, only poor clothing choices”.