Reply To: Next Year

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Next Year Reply To: Next Year


Coach Kotulski left 2012 for Stanford. Since then our D has gotten increasingly bad. A result from the series of rotating DCs. Besides lacking Coach K’s ability to craft and call great D games they were terrible recruiters. Particularly on the DL. An endless series a tall DEs to fill out the DL. All good players but not for a 3 man DL. Last 3 years particularly the last 2 we are starting to rectify that problem. Caveness the best we’ve had in a while. A guy unrecruited from lowest level of PA football. For whatever its worth Lehigh has never had trouble recruiting O talent since McQuilken elected to stay in the LV over multiple offers. D recruiting has been hit or miss. Sort of the reversre of Bucknell and Hoyas who get good D talent but not much on O.
To me Sutyak is faced with rebuilding a unit that has festered since Coach K left. This was year 1. The frosh and sophs are his kids.