Reply To: Virginia – Game 7

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball Virginia – Game 7 Reply To: Virginia – Game 7



Double-down on Rich H comments. Thrilled with performance. Really excited about the games to come.

Favorite Statistics

Andree’s 8 boards. He can be our 3 point specialist, but we’ll need more of this.

Our 3’s…41.7% vs. Nation’s 10th best at
defending the 3 @ 25%

13,584 attendance…relatively unphased by a sometimes hostile crowd…doubt we’ll see more

Cohen’s 7 boards…despite poor shooting performance….seems to always find a way to help

Hats off to Mr.Pomeroy who missed the outcome by 1 point. He had it 75-53. Actual was 75-54

Here’s hoping for a good turnout on Wednesday when we host YALE. Team deserve it.