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Thx Rich.

Few thoughts,

9.9 in wrestling is essentially the 10 weight classes, although I’m sure the full ride number isn’t 10. Maybe the top few guys get fulls.

Baseball, at 4, that is probably 1 stud pitcher and 1 stud, middle field guy (C, CF, SS) on fulls. And the other 28 guys splitting 2 fulls. Must be a ton of guys getting $0 in athletic (walk-ons), although on academic.

Fully funded numbers are:

Baseball 11.7
CC 12.6
Golf 4.5
Lax 12.6
Soccer 9.9
Swimming 9.9
Tennis 4.5
Track 12.6
Wrestling 9.9
Football 65
Basketball 13

I’m guessing LEHIGH as follows:

60 Football
12 Basketball
10 Wrestling
4 Baseball
4 Soccer
12 Lax
0 Golf
0 Tennis
6 Track/CC

That gets us to 108 fully funded scholarships on men’s side.

To match for women, NCAA limits there are:

Basketball 15
CC 18
Field Hockey 12
Golf 6
Lax 12
Soccer 14
Softball 12
Swim/Dive 14
Tennis 8
Rowing 20
Volleyball 12
Track 18

That’s 161 total.

So, for women to get to 108, it would seem that most sports would be fully funded, and a lot of women on full athletic rides.