Reply To: Re: Nagging Questions

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Football Nagging Questions Reply To: Re: Nagging Questions



After attending all four games and watching the receivers run their routes closely, I believe they have decent (not breakaway) speed but perhaps lack the willingness or incentive to separate – so dedicated they are to running their prescribed routes. Seldom do you see them break-off their routes or look for open areas in coverage to bail out their QB who by this time may be in trouble. On the passing end of the equation, I sense a strong dedication to the principal receiver and seldom see (Lum seems better at this than Clark) the QB check down to alternative receivers. Maybe this is a function of age, experience, and afforded pass protection. After all, Lum, Drawl, and Gordon are only sophomores and are, no doubt, doing exactly what the play and coaches call for. Throw in two sophomores on the OL (McKenna and Lieber) and you have the makings of a very young offensive unit that will only improve over time. Can you say "2010" or "2011?" Like so many posters I believe in our players and question only at times the coaching.