Reply To: 13-14 Basketball Roster Posted

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball 13-14 Basketball Roster Posted Reply To: 13-14 Basketball Roster Posted


I think every one of our “big men” will see the floor if for no other reason than foul trouble. JG fouled every 5.5 minutes last year (and it felt like even more), and CB fouled every 6.2. Kempton and Chuku playing their first year at the college level will also probably need some time to adjust to playing defense and the officiating.

By comparison Gabe fouled once every 11 minutes and Holden once every 17.5. Granted Gabe and Holden were not the most physical guys and were probably instructed explicitly to stay out of foul trouble. It still shows you how much JG and CB struggled with it. If JG wants to stay on the floor at all this year, he needs to figure out how not to foul.