Reply To: 13-14 Basketball Roster Posted

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball 13-14 Basketball Roster Posted Reply To: 13-14 Basketball Roster Posted



I’ll go with LU90’s lineup (MM, CS, AD, JC, and TK) with one slight variation. That is, I wouldn’t be surprised to see CS at the point and MM play the 2. It was tested a number of times late in the season last year and it worked just fine, thank you. To pafan11’s point about “CS’s ability to handle the ball forces him into the starting lineup”….might I suggest it’s also about his ability to outright shoot the ball. To wit: 45.5% FG and 39.6% 3-FG. Those numbers are top among our returning guard corp of MM, AD, SC, and CS. Sorry DC I discounted your 1-1 three-point effort based on your limited season-long playing time of 26 minutes. Throw in the fact that CS’s A/TO ratio last year of 2.77 not only beat but dwarfted Mackey’s 1.65 and I see no reason why the unflappable junior from Iowa doesn’t start up top come the second weekend in November.

I’m hoping TK becomes a 4-year starter and thinking JC, after a year of work behind the scenes, will be ready to not only start but contribute in a big way from Day One. Hey, I can dream can’t I?