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Add another name, and this one is fairly interesting, Devon Thomas from Kimball Union Academy. Sound familiar, he is that spunky, quick, lead guard that was in all the Chuku videos that I posted this past season….he is good…little insert from the KUA hoop site below from the coaches blog..

Devon Thomas just emailed that he will be taking an unofficial visit to UVA this weekend. Also on the trip will be incoming 6-4 combo guard Malcolm Brent. Devon has been hearing from Arizona State, Robert Morris, Fairfield, Vermont, Lehigh, and many others. He’ll run the point for Mo Vasquez and Metro Boston during the July live period. Malcolm—will share the backcourt with Devon this summer— will be a junior at KUA. He is from the Baltimore area as well. Both players have ties to the Beyond Belief program.

Can JC get his old point high school pg to come to LU to be his new college pg??? This should be interesting to follow….could be nice get.