Reply To: 2013 Recruiting Targets

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball 2013 Recruiting Targets Reply To: 2013 Recruiting Targets



SBum – It seems both those articles mention Iowa, and he has a confirmed offer there. I also heard he recently visited Tennessee. Price is legit, now maybe reed or his dad have an in cause of their michigan connection, but I’d be thrilled if he came to LU, but I put it at an outside shot. Kid is good, little preview here in this 1 min 25 sec video…kids got the goods.

I think Iwundi is long long shot at this point as well. Really will be interesting to see what we end up with this year.  We have a lot of offers out to solid guys who we can only hope that their bigger offers end up getting pulled back because a guy at the same position accepts at these big schools before they do….interesting times as teh rest of the PL picks up commits, and we’re still searching for our first….