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He is not a banger, low post guy at all.  He is more content to shoot from the wing or 3 point range.  I did not see him post up or finish on the blocks at all in any of the videos I saw.  He is athletic, can run the flooor, can block a shot, can rebound a bit, but not an inside presence at all. 

I’ll admit that it appears Owona’s height is exagerrated, but I too have scoured the web for clips of him and have not seen him fire up a single jumper.  The two best clips of him I have found are very short and linked below. And I think he looks quite big for a hs jr at that point.  Much more solid than Jesse or Justin.  And again I am not pronouncing him the savior at all, but I do think that he looks to bring a different dimension than the other guys we have been bringing in.  But agree to disagree.