Reply To: 2014 Recruiting Targets

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball 2014 Recruiting Targets Reply To: 2014 Recruiting Targets


It appears that we will have 6 pure guards….CS,SC, DC,AP, MS and CR
We will also have have 5 “bigs” CB,JG,JC,TK,and SW

I should be more explicit. I am very excited about JC and SW, but I wouldn’t consider either a “big”. I think those two will both be versatile players with the ability to post up, but when I say “big” I mean guys like Knutson, Mgebroff, McCarthy. On the current roster, I would say we have 1.5 bigs (Kempton as the 1, and Golsborough as the .5).

I’m on record as thinking JRG is on scholarship, although that is not confirmed at all. I also find it very hard to believe that CR will earn a schollie, and that article that mentioned “5 guards graduating” after this season is inaccurate. He may have had a decent shot to get a schollie when he initially committed, but if JRG got one then I think that posibility is highly unlikely. If the staff was that high on him, they would have offered. Let’s not forget that a guy like Corey Goodman averaged 16-18 ppg in high school as well and never sniffed the floor or a scholarship. I am glad to have CR in the program, and hope he develops into a contributor, but once you are a walk on it is very difficult to earn a schollie. Aside from rewarding performance, the staff has no incentive to give him a scholarship unless they fear he might transfer. And I don’t think CR is going to withold effort unless he is rewarded with a scholarship, so I just don’t see it happening unless someone transfers out last minue to create an opening or some other unpredictable situation.

As for recruiting priorities, I think the #1 goal should be another wide body to help down low. We don’t want TK to be the only true center on the roster like GK has been the last few years. Aside from that, I think it’s a best players available situation. There are no glaring holes on the roster to me besides a second legit big body. In my opinion college basketball basically consists of a PG a C, and three other guys (combo guard, swingman, “stretch 4” are all positions that really depend on style of play and roster composition). We seem to be set at PG, so I think a true C should be the main priority, and then just fill out the class with the best talent you can get.