Reply To: Army – January 29, 2012

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball Army – January 29, 2012 Reply To: Army – January 29, 2012



MM better get his attitude in order, quickly. With Devon Carter coming in next year, he may find himself out of the starting lineup, permanently. A starting backcourt of CM and DC is a definite possibility unless MM gets onboard with the coach’s game plan, and can control his asst/turnover ratio. DC was recently rated second best SG in State of Ohio, but in reading about him it looks like he spends time also at the PG. His assist numbers and scoring numbers show that the ball is in his hands most of the time. CM, at the next level, professional in some capacity, projects also to the PG. He is going to be too short to cover legit 2s at the next level.