Reply To: Army – January 29, 2012

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball Army – January 29, 2012 Reply To: Army – January 29, 2012



Interpretation of “coach’s decision”, he did not like the way the kid responded and I am the coach. He cannot win without Mackey and we know it. Respect goes both ways. Way too often, coaches are abusive and hide in practice. Another face appears before the fans and media. Just look at the recent episode at BU women’s basketball. If the kid is being disrespectful, he will not see the floor. If the coach is disrespectful, he continues to coach. Excuse me, MM is not a kid, he is a young man trying to learn how to deal with an older man. Whatever is the beef, let’s try to win ok! MM will be stronger in the end!