Reply To: Austin Price's Senior Season

Forum Forum Lehigh Sports Lehigh Men’s Basketball Austin Price's Senior Season Reply To: Austin Price's Senior Season



Having grown up in upstate NY and seen first hand the talent evaluation skill that Fran has when he was at Siena, just the fact he was pretty into AP for quite some time makes me pretty confident that AP will pan out at the PL Level. Now I know you can say that is ridiculous, but Fran has pretty keen eye on talent, and he obviously saw something in AP to have put out an offer to AP only to cancel his visit just days before it was scheduled to take place cause he got the commitment he was looking for at the guard spot. Show us the video ou saw on AP from DCDS this year, here is one I posted previously, now it has a lot of jumpers but what I see from 1:11 t0 1:25 of the video is positive in terms of moving with ball and getting to the rim. Might not be a burner but either is CJ and he gets to the rim at will. He seems smooth and possesses good body control, not a herky/jerky guy at all, pretty calm and under control.


AP is 6’3 and 165, which sounds about the same dimensions as CJ when CJ was in high school still. He’ll fill out and get stronger, like CJ did, and I hope he is a good one for us. Nothing would surprise me from schollie number perspective at this point 90, so 10 certainly is a possibility. I’m hoping for a spring signing but who really knows at this point.